Dr Baumann Das Institut

Dr Baumann Das Institut
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The safe way to success in a cosmetic institute
Get to know the strategies of successful cosmetics institutes and use this knowledge to achieve your own success. Therefore this book is a must for every results-orientated cosmetician.

Strategies of a successful cosmetics institute
Dr. Ernst W. Henrich, 1st edition 2004, 19,09 €, 7% VAT

Expertise – Recognising ingredients
An informative reference book for specialists and consumers without specialized knowledge is also the book “Die Bewertung kosmetischer

Inhaltstoffe anhand der INCI-Bezeichnungen” (A review of cosmetic ingredients based on INCI identification) by Dr. Ernst W. Henrich und Dr. Thomas Baumann. It serves to evaluate cosmetic products with regards to compatibility, allergic hazardousness and effectiveness. Furthermore a distinction is made between plant and animal ingredients to enable animal-friendly consumers and vegetarians to make the right product choices.

A review of cosmetic ingredients based on INCI identification
Dr. Ernst W. Henrich and Dr. Thomas Baumann, 4th edition 2003, 25,50 €, 7 % VAT.

Medical grounds for a meat-free diet

Scientific studies have shown the health benefits of vegetarian and vegan diets. Dr. Langley critically reviewed and evaluated the comprehensive scientific and medical literature on this topic. The result was an excellent definitive book, which has a lot of new knowledge and astounding facts to offer nutritional experts as well as the layman.

Vegan Nutrition
Dr. Gill Langley, Echo Publishers 1999, 240 pages, 10,56 €, 7 % VAT.

Ethical grounds for vegetarian diets (and cosmetics)
Good cosmetics and healthy nutrition requires no animal ingredients. What are the ethical grounds for vegetarian nutrition and cosmetics?
Dr Helmut Kaplan manages to communicate highly interesting facts by his exact phrasing, his logical rationale and simple, understandable language use. You will be amazed at how many new insights can be extracted for your own use within a short time. Our opinion: highly recommended!

Funeral Banquet – Ethical Reasons for a Vegetarian Diet
Dr. Helmut Kaplan, Rowohlt Publishers, 3rd Edition 2002, 208 pages, 7,38 7% VAT.
The books are available at:
Dr. Henrich and Dr. Baumann Publishers
In der Wehbach 61
D-57080 SIEGEN
Phone: 0271/ 38 26 954
Fax: 0271/38 26 955
E-mail for information: [email protected]

further literature on cosmetic ingredients:
Blue List Cosmetic Ingredients,
Edito Cantor Publishers for medicine and natural sciences GmbH, 2000. Prof. Dr. F.H. Kempner, Prof. Dr. N.-P. Luepke, Prof. Dr. W. Umbach.

Dermatologie und Venerologie
Prof. Dr. Dr. Otto Braun-Falco, Prof. Dr. Gerd Plewig, Prof. Dr. Helmut H. Wolff, Springer Publishers, Berlin.
A Consumers Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients.
Complete information about more than 6,000 of the harmful and desirable ingredients found in toiletries and cosmetics.
Three Rivers Press, 1999, Ruth Winter.

Cosmetics unmasked,
HarperCollins, 2001. Dr. Stephen Antczak.

Akne, der Weg zur richtigen Behandlung
Trias-Hippokrates Publishers, 1992. Prof. Dr. Hermann Schnell.
INCI Rohstoff-Diskette,
German Association of Industry and Commerce for Pharmaceuticals, Health store food and Cosmetics. Dr. R.A. Brunke, Version: 1.44.

MLP Duale Reihe, Hippocrates Publishers, 1998. Ernst G. Jung.

Fred Wollner Publishers, 1992. Dr. Med Beate Rieder en Fred Wollner.
Kosmetik Ratgeber, über Körperpflege bescheid wissen,
Germa Press, 1991. Bernard Rosenkranz und Silke Schwartau.

Kosmetik-Lexicon, Nutzen und Risiken kosmetischer Grund- und Inhaltstoffe,
Ehrenwirth Publishers, 1997. Aggy en Frank Burczyk.

Kursbuch Kosmetic,
Südwest Publishers GmbH, 1998. Rita Stiens en Heinz-Jürgen Weiland-Grotherjahn.

Springer Lexicon Kosmetic und Körperpflege,
Springer Verlag Heidelberg, 2001. Marina Bährle-Rapp.

Wörterbuch der Kosmetik,
Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft GmbH, 1997. Horst Frey und Ilse Otte.

Pschyrembel Klinisches Wörterbuch,
Walter de Gruyter Verlag, 1998. Helmut Hildebrandt.