Dr Baumann Das Institut

Dr Baumann Das Institut
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You are what you eat and having a healthy well balanced diet will definitely ensure a healthy well balanced skin.

The importance of a healthy and balanced nutrition for a healthy and beautiful skin cannot be given sufficient emphasis. Scientific studies have shown impressive advantages to a meat free diet. The ADA- American Dietetic Association and the DC of Canada (the organisation if Canadian dietetic Scientists) have published papers on the health advantages of vegetarian and vegan nutrition. There are many of the most prestigious and respected dietetic scientists in these organisations. The ADA has over 70,000 members.

In this official paper it is stated that well planned vegan and other forms of vegetarian diets are designed for every phase of the cycle of life, including pregnancy, breast feeding, early and late childhood as well as adolescence. Vegetarian forms of nutrition offer many advantages.

The ADA and DC are of the opinion that a sensibly planned vegetarian diet is positive for healthy living and that the essential life nutritional elements are present in sufficient quantities. The preventative nature of vegetarian food with regard to illnesses and the treatment of illnesses are also clear.

The comments of one of Germanys most revered and recognised dietetic scientists Prof. Dr. Claus Leitzmann from the University of Giesen and other well known German dietetic scientists are all of the same opinion that studies carried out on an international basis involving people that live an entirely vegan way of life are on average measurably healthier than the general population regarding weight, blood pressure, blood fat, holstering values, kidney function and the general health status of vegans lie in the “normal values“ more frequently than their non vegan counterparts.

Along with these positive aspects sited above the vegetarian lifestyle has an influence on the environment leaving it more in balance and intact.

Fewer foodstuffs will have to be grown to feed animals at the cost of feeding people with healthy produce. The breeding of animals destined for the slaughterhouse will reduce and could in some cases no longer be relevant. That in itself would be a remarkable achievement

With thanks to:
Dr.med.Ernst W.Henrich
Dr. Rer.Nat.Thomas Baumann