
The Dermis is composed of:

Three types of tissue made of Protein.
Collagen Elastin.
Reticular Fibers.
The upper layer contains a thin arrangement of collagen fibers.
The lower layer is made up of thick collagen fibers arranged parallel to the surface of the skin.
The Dermis is responsible for:

Mechanical protection (elasticity).
Body temperature (capillaries).
Hair follicles (sebum (oil canals).
Sweat glands (temperature control).
Nerves (contact and pain sensors).
Vitamins, minerals and oxygen (food) supply to the epidermis
Diffusion via capillaries (small blood vessels).

Specialist Dermal Cells:

The hair follicles are found here.
Sebaceous (oil glands) and apocrine (scent glands) are connected to the hair follicle (hair shaft).
The Dermis also contains sweat glands.
Blood vessels and nerves pass through the Dermis.
Nerves transmit sensations of pain, hot and cold etc.
Specialized nerve cells called Meissner’s and Vater-Pacini corpuscles also transmit feelings of touch and pressure.