Basic Information

Introduction to Dr. Baumann SkinIdent

Dr. Baumann SkinIdent differentiates itself from the cosmetics market you have always known. To understand this requires a small amount of fundamental physiological and dermatological basic knowledge. Unfortunately this is not taught at all cosmetics schools, even though it constitutes an indispensable part of every cosmetician’s work. One thing is certain: The products, together with expert consultation, form the basis for the success of a cosmetic institute. Particularly at a time when the market is inundated with all kinds of cosmetic products of varying quality, many cosmetics firms are under suspicion of increasingly transforming themselves into an industry which creates illusions through marketing and packaging; and at a time when only a few companies actually have their own research and manufacturing facilities and advertisements for cosmetic products not necessarily reflect true facts, it is of fundamental importance for cosmeticians as well as for end-users to acquire fact-based knowledge.

“Bionomy” is the “science of the laws of life” (Duden 5th Ed., 1974). We have the choice whether or not we want to live in harmony with nature. This opens up many personal perspectives for people, particularly when it comes to health, beauty and wellness. It also goes without saying that we should endeavour to respect our fellow creatures and the environment, in order to live better and more healthily in harmony with nature.

The term “bionome skincare” is derived from bionomy. “Bionome” explains the difference between conventional cosmetics and our special quality requirements for healthy skincare. With great dedication and consistency weadhere to dermatological knowledge to target ways of improving and protecting the skin, and take into account our ethical responsibility towards animals and the environment. In this way we want to clearly distance ourselves from the often misused notion of “natural cosmetics”. Firstly, even natural substances can trigger bad allergic reactions and affect the skin. Secondly, all too often chemically synthesised substances e.g. preservatives, can be found in “natural cosmetics”. To make the presence of these substances appear friendly, chemical preservatives are often simply labelled as “natural”, as this sounds better and more harmless than “chemical”. However experts know that preservatives such as parabens, potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate are both “natural” as well as chemical, as “natural” merely means that one can find at least tiny traces of these chemically synthesised substances in nature. Whether an ingredient is “natural” has absolutely nothing to do with its compatibility with and value to the skin.

The agenda of Dr. Baumann and Dr. Henrich with regards to quality criteria for compatible and effective skincare in the best interests of the skin and consumer protection goes so much further. “Naturalness” as a benefit for the skin has nothing to do with whether it is a “natural substance” but whether the skin and its immune system identify a substance as “natural for the skin” and therefore a natural component of the skin. The well-known slogan “nature for the skin” must give way for the new insight that we should be aware of and respect the “nature of the skin” (as well as the anatomy and physiology of the skin) and use this as a basis for our selection of ingredients for skincare products. The “nature” (and the anatomy and physiology) of our body consists only of the substances of which or organism is comprised. At Dr. Baumann SkinIdent the doctor and naturopath Dr. Henrich selects the best ingredients for the skin based on dermatological and allergological criteria, and cosmetic chemist Dr. Baumann uses these recommendations in the laboratory to create qualitative, first-class quality products.

The most important basic information will be briefly outlined.